Soldier preparing for Murph workout

Murph Workout for Beginners

Honoring hero with Murph Workout for beginners

When it comes to fitness challenges, the “Murph” workout stands as a testament to both physical endurance and honoring the memory of Lieutenant Michael Murphy, a true American hero. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the details of the Murph workout, provide insights on the half marathon workout, and offer answers to frequently asked questions. Let’s explore how beginners can approach these demanding regimens while optimizing their fitness journey, starting with Murph Workout for beginners.

What Is The Murph Workout?

The Murph workout, named in honour of Lieutenant Michael Murphy who made the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan in 2005, is a CrossFit-based fitness challenge. It comprises a timed sequence of exercises designed to push your physical limits. These exercises include a one-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 bodyweight squats, and another one-mile run. To up the intensity, participants typically wear a 20-pound weighted vest.

Getting Started: Murph for Beginners

If you’re new to the Murph workout, here’s how you can approach it as a beginner:

  • Gradual Progression: Begin with a modified version. For instance, reduce the number of repetitions and skip the weighted vest initially.
  • Partition Method: Divide the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats into manageable sets. This approach helps maintain your energy throughout the workout.
  • Exercise Modifications: Don’t hesitate to modify exercises to match your fitness level. You can use resistance bands for pull-ups or perform inclined push-ups to build strength.
murph workout for beginners

Half Marathon Workout: A Challenge Beyond Murph

For those seeking an even greater fitness challenge, the half-marathon workout is an excellent choice. Covering 13.1 miles, this endurance test requires dedicated training and preparation. Incorporating a half-marathon into your fitness routine can provide a new level of accomplishment.

Half Marathon Training Tips

Here are some essential tips to prepare for a half-marathon:

  • Gradual Mileage Increase: Start with shorter runs and gradually increase your mileage to avoid overexertion.
  • Proper Footwear: Invest in quality running shoes that provide adequate support and comfort.
  • Hydration and Nutrition: Stay well-hydrated and fuel your body with balanced nutrition during training.
  • Rest and Recovery: Include rest days in your training schedule to prevent injury and promote recovery.
Soldier performing murph workout for beginners.

Who Was Lieutenant Michael Murphy?

Lt. Michael Murphy’s heroic story is at the heart of the Murph workout. As a Navy SEAL, he courageously served in Afghanistan during Operation Red Wings in 2005. Despite facing overwhelming odds, Lt. Murphy risked his life to call for help, ultimately leading to the rescue of his fellow service member, Marcus Luttrell, and the recovery of fallen comrades.

Origin Of The Murph Workout

Lt. Michael Murphy himself created the “Body Armor” workout, which later became the Murph workout. Dr. Joshua Appel, an Air Force pararescueman who helped rescue Marcus Luttrell and recover Lt. Murphy’s body, introduced this workout to his CrossFit group. Over time, it evolved into the Murph Challenge, a nationwide fundraiser that supports the Lt. Michael P. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Foundation.

Why Is The Murph Workout Associated With Memorial Day?

Memorial Day holds a special place for the Murph workout. CrossFit features “hero” WODs like Murph to honour fallen service members. Each year, on Memorial Day, individuals worldwide take on the Murph Challenge as a way to pay tribute to the sacrifices of servicemen and women. It has become a tradition for gyms to close on Memorial Day, with Murph as the sole workout, followed by community events to commemorate the day.

Preparing For The Challenge

The Murph Challenge demands both physical and mental preparation. Running, pull-ups, push-ups, and squats are key components, and participants are encouraged to modify these exercises to match their abilities. Mental readiness is equally crucial, with strategies like exercise pacing and controlled breathing playing a vital role. Staying hydrated and ensuring a cool workout environment are essential safety considerations.

FAQs -Workout Queries Answered

The average time for completing the Murph workout is 47 to 57 minutes, though any time close to an hour is considered good. It varies based on individual fitness levels.

Yes, you can. Many participants start without a vest to build up strength and then add it as they progress.

It’s recommended not to do the Murph workout more than once a week to allow for proper recovery.

Memorial Day is a day to remember and honor fallen service members, making it a fitting occasion for the Murph workout, which pays tribute to Lt. Michael Murphy and all servicemen and women who made sacrifices.


In conclusion, the Murph workout is a formidable challenge that pays tribute to a true hero, Lt. Michael Murphy. Its connection to Memorial Day underscores the importance of honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. For beginners, it’s crucial to ease into the Murph workout gradually, making modifications as needed. And for those seeking an even greater challenge, a half marathon workout offers a test of endurance beyond Murph. Regardless of your fitness level, the Murph workout is a meaningful way to remember and honor our servicemen and women while pushing the boundaries of your own physical capabilities.

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